2025 Hispanic Student College InstituteSunday, June 29, 2025Eastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00 Welcome to theHispanic Student College Institute atMontclair State University June 29, 2025 - July 2, 2025 The Hispanic Student College Institute (HSCI) provides a unique and highly interactive opportunity for high school rising juniors and seniors to strengthen their knowledge on issues related to transitioning to college, future academic success, and applying to college as it pertains to the Latino communities. We aim to increase students’ confidence in navigating the college admissions process and ultimately enroll at the college or university of their choice. The Hispanic Student College Institute is entirely free to all participants. The program includes housing for three nights, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for four days, and non-credit workshops/co-curricular activities.Loading...High School Student Program Registration Form Formulario Registracion de la Escuela Secundaria Programa *required fields *campos obligatoriosStudent Information Informacion Del EstudianteStudent First Name* Nombre De Estudiante*Student Middle Name Segundo Nombre De EstudianteStudent Last Name* Apellido De Estudiante*Student Email Address* (School emails will not be accepted) **Email MUST belong to the Student for access to Institution resources while on campus **Email MUST be different from Parent Email*Dirección de correo electrónico del estudiante (No se aceptarán correos electrónicos de la escuela) **El correo electrónico DEBE pertenecer al estudiante para acceder a los recursos de la institución mientras esté en el campus. El correo electrónico DEBE ser diferente al correo electrónico de los guardian(es).Confirm Student Email Address* Confirma Correo Electronico de Estudiante*Student Mobile Phone* (By providing your mobile phone number, you agree that Montclair State University may periodically send you SMS text messages) **Mobile Phone Number MUST belong to the Student for access to Institution resources while on campus **Mobile Phone Number MUST be different from Parent Email*Teléfono móvil del estudiante (Al proporcionar su número de teléfono móvil, usted acepta que Montclair State University pueda enviarle mensajes de texto SMS periódicamente) **El número de teléfono móvil DEBE pertenecer al estudiante para acceder a los recursos de la institución mientras esté en el campus. El número de teléfono móvil DEBE ser diferente al correo electrónico de los guardian(es).Student Birthdate* Fecha de Nacimiento de Estudiante*Student Birthdate* Fecha de Nacimiento de Estudiante*JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Student's Gender* Género de Estudiante*Are you Hispanic or Latino/a/x? ¿Eres Hispano/a o Latino/a/x?Are you Hispanic or Latino/a/x? ¿Eres Hispano/a o Latino/a/x?YesNoRegardless of your answer to the prior question, please check one or more of the following groups in which you consider yourself to be a member: Independientemente de su respuesta a la pregunta anterior, por favor marque uno o más de los siguientes grupos en los que se considere miembro: Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please check one or more of the following groups in which you consider yourself to be a member: Independientemente de su respuesta a la pregunta anterior, por favor marque uno o más de los siguientes grupos en los que se considere miembro: American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianAsian - FilipinoBlack or African AmericanNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - FilipinoWhiteOtherStudent Academic Information Información Académica de EstudiantePlease click the school you are currently attending from the autosuggest list. Por favor, seleccione la escuela que está asistiendo actualmente de la lista de sugerencias automáticas.Current High School Attending* Escuela secundaria que está asistiendo actualmente*CEEB (hidden) CEEB (oculto)Admit Type (hidden) Tipo de admisión (oculto)FreshmanTransferReadmitSenior CitizenVisiting/Enrolled ElsewhereCertificate ProgramsNon-DegreeModel UN ProgramEarly College ProgramSpecial ProgramsGraduateContinuingAcademic Level (hidden) Nivel académico (oculto)GraduateInternationalPersona Non GrataTeacher EdUndergraduatePlease upload a copy of your high school transcript. An unofficial copy of your high school transcript is acceptable or a copy of your most current report card. **Document MUST show student full name, current grade level, and name of the high school they are enrolled in **Por favor, suba una copia de su expediente académico de la escuela secundaria. Se acepta una copia no oficial de su expediente académico o una copia de su boleta de calificaciones más reciente. El documento DEBE mostrar el nombre completo del estudiante, el nivel de grado actual y el nombre de la escuela secundaria en la que está matriculado.When do you plan to enter college?* ¿Cuándo planea ingresar a la universidad?*Fall 2025Spring 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Fall 2027Program of Interest* Programa de interés*AccountingAccounting - Combined BS/MSAdvertisingAnimation & Visual EffectsAnthropologyAnthropology - Combined BA/MS Anthropology with Sustainability ScienceApplied Mathematics and StatisticsApplied Mathematics and Statistics - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessArabicAsian Languages and CulturesBiochemistryBiology (B.A.)Biology (B.S.)Biology - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Administration - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessBusiness Administration - Combined BS/MSBA Business AnalyticsBusiness AnalyticsBusiness Analytics - Combined BS/MSCertificate in Climate ScienceCertificate in EntrepreneurshipCertificate in GamingCertificate in General Education StudiesCertificate in Global Human TraffickingCertificate in Innovative DesignCertificate in Professional SalesCertificate in Spanish TranslationChemistryChemistry - Combined BS/MSChild Advocacy and PolicyClassicsClassics - Combined BA/MBACommunication and Media StudiesComputer ScienceComputer Science - Combined BS/MSComputer Science - Combined BS/MS CybersecurityComputer Science - Combined BS/MS Data ScienceDance (B.A.)Dance BFAData SciencesEarth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science - Combined BS/MBAEconomicsEconomics - Combined BA/MA Social Research and AnalysisEconomics - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessEconomics - Combined BA/MS Business AnalyticsEducational Foundations for Elementary TeachersEnglishEnglish - Combined BA/MAEnglish - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessExercise ScienceExercise Science/MS Athletic Training Combined ProgramExercise Science/MS Exercise Science and Sport Studies Combined ProgramFamily Science and Human DevelopmentFashion Design & MerchandisingFilm and TelevisionFrenchFrench - Combined BA/MAGender, Sexuality and Women's StudiesGender, Sexuality and Women's Studies - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessGeographic, Environmental and Urban StudiesGeographic, Environmental and Urban Studies - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessGermanHistoryHistory - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessHospitality, Sports, Events, and TourismHospitality, Sports, Events, and Tourism - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessHumanitiesHumanities - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessIllustrationInformation TechnologyInformation Technology - Combined BS/MS CybersecurityInformation Technology - Combined BS/MS Data ScienceItalianJournalism and Digital MediaJurisprudence, Law and SocietyJurisprudence, Law and Society - Combined BA/MA with Law and GovernanceJustice StudiesLanguage, Business and CultureLanguage, Business and Culture - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessLatinLiberal StudiesLinguisticsMarine Biology & Coastal SciencesMarine Biology & Coastal Sciences - Combined BS/MSMathematicsMathematics - Combined BS/MA Social Research and AnalysisMathematics - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessMathematics - Combined BS/MS Applied MathematicsMathematics - Combined BS/MS MathematicsMathematics - Combined BS/MS StatisticsMedical HumanitiesMolecular BiologyMusicMusic TherapyMusical TheatreNursingNursing - RN to BSN onlyNutrition and Food ScienceNutrition and Food Science- Combined BS/MSPhilosophyPhilosophy - Combined BA/MBAPhysical EducationPhysicsPhysics - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessPhysics - Combined BS/MS Applied MathematicsPhysics - Combined BS/MS Mechanical Engineering with Stevens Institute of TechnologyPolicy StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical Science - Combined BA/MAPsychologyPsychology - Combined BA/MAPsychology - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessPublic and Professional WritingPublic HealthPublic Health - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessPublic Health - Combined BS/MPHRecording Arts and ProductionReligious StudiesReligious Studies - Combined BA/MBASocial Media and Public RelationsSociologySociology - Combined BA/MA Social Research and AnalysisSociology - Combined BA/MBA General BusinessSpanishSpanish - Combined BA/MASports CommunicationSustainability ScienceSustainability Science - Combined BS/MBA General BusinessSustainability Science - Combined BS/MSTheatreTheatre StudiesTheatre Studies - Combined BA/MAUndeclared (Non-Degree only)Urban HumanitiesVisual Arts (Formerly Fine Arts/Studio)Visual Communication Design (Formerly Graphic Design)Undeclared/UndecidedOther OtroAre you interested in Teacher Education? ¿Está interesado en estudiar para ser maestro/a?Are you interested in Teacher Education? ¿Está interesado en estudiar para ser maestro/a?YesNoAre you interested in any pre-professional programs? ¿Estás interesado en un programa pre-profesional?Are you interested in any pre-professional programs? ¿Estás interesado en un programa pre-profesional?Pre-LawPre-MedParent/Guardian Contact Information Informacion Contacto de Padre/Guardia Preferred Language Lenguaje PreferidoParent/Guardian First Name* Nombre de Padre/Guardian*Parent/Guardian Last Name* Apellido de Padre/Guardian*Parent/Guardian E-mail Address* ** Parent/Guardian E-mail Address MUST be different from Student E-mail Address *Correo electrónico del padre/guardian El correo electrónico del padre/guardian DEBE ser diferente al correo electrónico del estudiante.Parent/Guardian Mobile Phone* (By providing your mobile phone number, you agree that Montclair State University may periodically send you SMS text messages) ** Parent/Guardian Mobile Phone number MUST be different from Student Mobile Phone Number *Teléfono móvil del padre/guardian (Al proporcionar su número de teléfono móvil, usted acepta que Montclair State University pueda enviarle mensajes de texto SMS periódicamente) El número de teléfono móvil del padre/guardian DEBE ser diferente al número de teléfono móvil del estudiante.Do you want to add a second parent/guardian? ¿Quieres añadir un segundo padre/guardian?Do you want to add a second parent/guardian? ¿Quieres añadir un segundo padre/guardian?YesNoParent/Guardian First Name Nombre de Padre/GuardianParent/Guardian Last Name Apellido de Padre/GuardianParent/Guardian E-mail Address Correo Electronico del Padre/GuardianParent/Guardian Mobile Phone (By providing your mobile phone number, you agree that Montclair State University may periodically send you SMS text messages)Teléfono móvil del padre/guardian (Al proporcionar su número de teléfono móvil, usted acepta que Montclair State University pueda enviarle mensajes de texto SMS periódicamente)*Program Interest Programa de Interes In a short essay (no less then TWO COMPLETE paragraphs), answer the following questions: **Essay MUST be complete paragraphs (no more then 500 words)Why do you wish to attend this program? What do you expect to learn? (Max 500 words) **En un ensayo breve (de no menos de DOS PÁRRAFOS COMPLETOS), responda las siguientes preguntas: El ensayo DEBE ser de párrafos completos (no más de 500 palabras). ¿Por qué desea asistir a este programa? ¿Qué espera aprender? (Máximo 500 palabras) Submit